Anal itching is a common condition. The itch is usually incredibly irritating. It is embarrassing and uncomfortable.
Anal itching has many possible causes, such as skin problems, hemorrhoids, or hygiene related.
If it is persistent and recurrant, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Most people get good relief from anal itching with proper treatment.
Wash and dry the anal area after pooing and before bedtime
Make sure to wear loose-fitting cotton underwear
Make sure you are wearing clothes and have bedding that keep you cool.
Have cooler, shorter showers
A Healthy diet with plenty of fibre such as fresh fruit and vegetables.
Do-Wash your bum after a poo with water or use moist toilet paper to pat it clean, then pat it dry.
Avoid scratching –keep your fingernails short and/or wear cotton gloves at night
Avoid use of scented products, perfumes, scented body washes and toilet paper close to the anal area
Avoid spicy food, alcohol and caffeine.
-Helpful products OTC
Steroid creams and ointments can help ease itching.
Threadworms treatment called Mebendazole is OTC.
There's not always a clear cause of an itchy bottom. If it gets better quickly, it might have been caused by something that does not need treatment, like sweating a lot in hot weather.
If it lasts longer, you might be able to get an idea of the cause from any other symptoms you have. But do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.
The causes are usually Skin Conditions, Irritants, Infections and Medical Conditions (Diabetes and Thyroid Disease)
Common Symptoms
-worse at night Possible threadworms
Lumps felt at anal area, bright red blood when defaecating- Possible Haemorroids
Dermatitis- sores, irritation - Fungal Infection, STI like Herpes
Itchy anally and elsewhere - Eczema
Skin conditions
Psoriasis and eczema can cause inflammation and itching anywhere on the body, including the perianal region.
Psoriasis—which causes thickened,red and itchy areas with scalely ski.
This causes less 10 percent of cases .A short course of topical steroids or immunomodulators may be prescribed.
Lichen sclerosis is a skin condition that causes white, wrinkled skin changes described as cigarette paper skin in the labia and in the perianal region.High dose topical steroids helps this condition.There have been associated with skin cancer, so they should be biopsied if they don’t resolve.
.Tight clothing can cause irritation anywhere on the body with prolonged exposure to sweat. This can inturn irritate the anal area
.Eczema-like rashes can also be triggered by laundry detergent, the dyes in clothing.
.Sweat and friction cause hair follicles to get inflamed and infected looks like tiny red bumps or pimples. For women, folliculitis is more common in the vaginal area, but it can affect both men and women all over the body, including on (and in) their butts.
.Food Dyes can cause irritants to the skin so be aware of this as well.
.Certain foods can also lead anal leakage, making it difficult to wipe completely..This can cause cause irritation and itching in itself. Food that may trigger Anal itching include coffee (both caffeinated and decaf), tea, chocolate, citrus fruit and juices, tomatoes and tomato paste, soft drinks, alcohol, and dairy products.
Treat- avoid triggers, topical steroids
.Worms-People get infected by swallowing worm eggs, which can live for two weeks on human skin, clothing, bedding, or food.
Treat-OTC Mebendazole
The parasites are visible in an infected person’s poop.
.Haemorrhoids/anal fissures or tiny tears in the surrounding skin tissue contribute
This is usually in infants, older adults, and post partnum women.
-Treat-Eating more fiber, plenty of fluid, helps to soften stool and therefore can help.
.Yeast infection is a fungal infection can also occur in the perianal region—especially in people who are elderly, obese, decreased immunity or are taking antibiotics.
This causes10% to 15% of cases of anal itching.
This can become superinfected with bacterial as well and become weepy with sores.
.Anal itching can also be a symptom of sexually transmitted infections, including herpes and anal warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Symptoms usually occur around the anus (instead of the vaginal area) when a person has received anal sex. Anti-viral medication can help keep herpes under control, while treating anal warts may require topical creams, cryotherapy, maybe even surgery.
.Scabies is a common skin condition caused by a tiny bug called Sarcoptyes. It’s very contagious, and can result in an itchy rash and sores all over the body—including around the anus and genitals.
Treat- treat cause, topical steroids ,antifungal, antiviral, scabicidal id superinfected- antibiotic.
Chronic diseases
.Certain conditions like diabetes and autoimmune diseases can leave people more vulnerable to bacterial or fungal infections. And digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease can cause diarrhoea and stool leakage, which can irritate the anal skin.
Iron-deficiency anemia, kidney or liver disease, and certain types of cancer, can also cause generalized itching throughout the body.
Anal cancer
This is very rare and, it can be a sign of cancer. Up to half of patients with Paget’s disease—cancer that attacks the surface layer of skin and typically affects the breast, vulva, or perianal area—present with an itchy
Bowen’s disease, a very early form of skin cancer also called carcinoma in situ, can affect the perianal area and cause significant itching.